Blue Ridge Orchid Society of Virginia

About the organization

The Blue Ridge Orchid Society of Virginia (BROSoV) was founded in 1953. Its purpose is to bring together people of all experience levels who are interested in growing, displaying, and learning more about orchids. BROSoV is a member chapter of the American Orchid Society and the Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs. Newcomers are always welcome!

The Blue Ridge Orchid Society of Virginia meets on the second Sunday of every month (with the exception of July and August). Our meeting place is the Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs, 3640 Colonial Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia, 24018.


September 8, 2024

Monthly Meeting

Field Trip to Charlottesville Orchid Society Picnic

All details are in the September newsletter

October 13, 2024

Monthly Meeting, Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs

Orchid Swap and Sale

November 10, 2024

Monthly Meeting, Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs

Program TBA

December 8, 2024

Monthly Meeting, Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs

Holiday Party

Meeting Schedule

1:30: Set up Mini-Show

2:00: Orchid Program

3:00: Discuss Mini-Show Highlights

Business Meeting

For more information on any of our meetings, please send a message using the Contact form below.

Join us!